Title: Fire in the Woods
Author: Jennifer M. Eaton
Genre: Science-fiction, Romance, Dystopian
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22674815-fire-in-the-woods
Link: http://www.amazon.com/Fire-Woods-Jennifer-M-Eaton-ebook/dp/B00MLDECDK
To be honest, I have never really read any science fiction books before. But this book by Jennifer M. Eaton, Fire in the Woods, is remarkable and the writing is just phenomenal.
Its basically about a girl, Jess, who lives in an army based compound because her dad's a major. She loves photography so one day chasing a deer, she wants to capture a picture of, she runs into a boy who is literally the guy of her dreams. He is precisely like the perfect guy she had made up in her mind. Jess finds out that his name is David and he is not even from planet Earth in the first place.
Who he really is? Where is he from? Why's he on Earth? These are the questions that may run in your mind.
Oh my God, this book just had me captivated since the first page!
Jennifer M Eaton's writing is beautiful and while i was reading, I could play a movie in my head. The chemistry between the main characters is incredible. Her writing is simple but captivating and makes your imagination run wild.
"His gaze seemed to search through me, and the foggy feeling deepened. I relaxed, taking in his strong round cheeks and delicate jawline. I must have won the lottery or something…stuck in the middle of the woods with a guy who—come to think of it—looked a lot like Jared Linden." So you can just get a hint on how good looking David is!
Besides all that, one of my favourite part in the book is where she writes:
"Ugh, when did my life become fodder for a cheap science fiction novel? I could see the teenage girls flittering about it already: super-cute alien, stupider-than-thou heroine and a bigger than life story with no chance of a happy ending."
Ironic isn't it?
I am not going to mention anything else or I'll end up adding spoilers.
The whole book is from Jess's point of view and I gave it a 4.5/5 stars on goodreads, because it was just that amazing!
Jennifer M. Eaton's writing can really pull you into the book and make you feel like you're a part of her story. As crazy as it sounds, that's exactly how I felt while reading it.
If you're into science fiction, aliens, suspense, thrill, romance, this is definitely the book for you!