Monday 8 August 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Part I & II) Book Review!

(Synopsis taken from
Being labelled as 'the boy who lived' for his whole life has not been easy for Harry Potter. In the official eighth installment of the Harry Potter series penned in the form of a two-part stage production play, J. K. Rowling weaves yet another thrilling and magical yarn featuring the life of Harry Potter nineteen years later in the post-Voldemort wizarding world. Harry Potter plays the role of a man finally living out the quiet, conventional lifestyle he always wanted to live as a Minister of Magic employee, who is a doting husband and father of three. Yet, he struggles to escape the haunting past, the demons of which continue to consume him. The play also features a grown up Albus Severus Potter following the footsteps of his legendary father and labouring to carry the burden of a family bequest and fortune he hadn't expected. As the past meets the present, the legendary father and son duo strive to come in terms with the darkness that lies within and overcome their inner demons. 

As we all were aware beforehand that this book was not a novel but in fact, a script or screenplay written by Jack Thorne and not J.K Rowling. I repeat, this was NOT written by J.K Rowling, just the story was originally hers but the dialogue, script was not her work.
Anyway, when I received my copy, I am not going to lie, I was extremely excited to read it. But others who had read it before me had not given any interesting reviews regarding this book. Most of the potterheads straight up detested the book but I, for one, actually enjoyed it quite a lot.

The book starts off from where we were left off in Deathly Hallows in the ‘nineteen years later’ chapter, which got me fangirling and it made me really happy to be getting another chance to go back into the wizarding world and of course my beloved school, HOGWARTS! As the book went along, I got completely engrossed into it but it was quite difficult for me to imagine it as a stage play and not a movie. The original cast from the movies were the ones running around in my head throughout the whole book.

I read tons of other reviews regarding Harry Potter and The Cursed Child and the main issue that everyone had with this book was that all of them were Out Of Character. I agree to some extent because in a script there are ONLY dialogues and no expressions or any lines in between to give us an idea as to what the respective character is feeling or thinking. The characters are brought to life by the actors, so we cannot judge if they really were OOC until we have watched the play ourselves. To sum up for the potterheads who have yet to read this book, go ahead, read it and enjoy the whole world of Hogwarts and Harry Potter one more time and please think of it reading as the script for the movies and not a novel. It will save you the disappointment!


My most favourite thing about the book was Albus’s and Scorpius’s friendship, and the fact that Harry and Draco’s kids are best friends just blew me away. They had a great chemistry going on throughout the script. It also made me glad to read about two, brave, kind-hearted, selfless Syltherins, something that none of us expect from a fellow Slytherin. And yes, I was flabbergasted when Albus got sorted into Syltherin, I mean what is up with that?!

Now, let’s talk about the parts I hated in the book. First off, Harry was a complete arse in the script or in a much civil tone, overprotective over his son. I understood that he had grown up without parents and a loving family so it was only natural that he did not want his kids to be deprived of that, but I think he took it way too far. He had a problem with Albus being friends with Scorpius but not a problem with him being in Slytherin? Wow, makes so much sense.

Another HUGE issue I had was Voldemort’s daughter! Like excuse me, how can Voldemort have made a child and especially before the battle of Hogwarts and with Bellatrix Lestrange, who is known to be married! What is this sorcery and how did J.K Rowling let this happen? Voldemort would never think anyone equal enough to him or he would never have wanted a child in the first place because he couldn’t put anyone before himself. His power was what was most precious to him and he even killed off his most loyal servants to get that, so will someone please explain this to me that HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN?! Voldemort was the most powerful wizard, and he knew everything there was (except the whole Snape thing of course) and if it was really his kid, then HOW in the heck was Bellatrix able to keep it a secret knowing she was always with the Dark Lord? So yes, that ruined everything for me!

I’ll conclude by saying that I did not hate the book, I thoroughly enjoyed it until I read about a child of Lord Voldemort and I swear it made me laugh because of how absurd that part of the plot was. Besides that, it was spectacular to go back into Hogwarts Halls once more and relive all the amazing moments once more!

Sunday 7 August 2016 Box Review!

BEHOLD! This was my very first box I ordered from, and for those of you who do not know, Owlpost is a monthly YA-book subscription box that has a different theme every month, with a box that contains the most anticipated YA novels along with 4 to 5 bookish goodies. It is perfect for all my fellow bookworms and nerds.When I came across their page on instagram ( I knew I wanted to order one right away!

So the box I ordered was their debut July box with the them 'Love-Actually'. Let me be honest, I have no idea what I was expecting in their first box but when it finally arrived in the mail, I could not keeo my composure and instantly rip open the box (almost ripped!).

It was spectacular and the presentation was impeccable! All the goodies that it contained were absolutely stunning and loved each and every one of them. The following were the contents of the box:
1. 2 button badges [MY MOST FAVOURITE]
2. 'Read Sleep'READ Repeat' coaster for a Mug
3.  A mug 'My Coffee Knows The Stories I Read
4. Two TBR cards to keep a track of your reading
5. A decal that said "Readers Gonna Read"
6. Finally a YA contemporary Romance Novel, "The Problem With Forever" by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Personally, I loved the button badges the most and obviously the book. It was one of the books that I had wanted to buy in a really long time so I was glad when I received it.
To sum it all up, I was NOT disappointed at all and wanted to buy subscribe for 12 months (lol!) but unfortunately after buying so many books this month, I am broke. But no matter, I will definitely be buying more boxes from them in the future and hopefully they will be as good as this one, or maybe even better!

Thursday 7 July 2016

The Movie Version by Emma Wunsch- Review

I received an arc of The Movie Version on NetGalley, an ebook, for a review.

When I started reading this book, I was quite into it as it was a great contemporary read. I thought it was my type of YA book but it was a lot more than that. The writing was exceptionally fast pace and a little different than what I had read before, which I enjoyed.


Now, the only issue I faced reading this book was with the protagonist. The story is basically about a girl named Amelia who idolizes her older brother Toby and they both are obsessed with movies. Toby gets diagnosed with schizophrenia which makes their world turn upside down. At the beginning of the book, the relationship between Amelia and Toby was great and quite heart warming to see a love so sweet between a brother and a sister. However, after Toby got diagnosed, Amelia started to annoy me by the way she acted. How she seemed too obsessed with what other people would think about her brother. She seemed ashamed of him being sick and I found that a little insulting to someone suffering from that problem. Another issue was Amelia's relationship with a city boy Epstein was kind of dry and there was very less chemistry between the two.

I concluded that this book was not a light, witty, romance YA read. It was a lot more deeper than that, mainly about what people go through and how families are affected when someone is suffering from illnesses like schizophrenia. The book had its flaws, but I did enjoy reading it and I am sure a lot of people will love this book. But if you're looking for a contemporary YA, light read like Eleanor & Park, or even Finding Audrey, this book is not for you!

Friday 24 June 2016

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella [Spoiler Free Review]

I had read a few books by the #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of the Shopaholic Series, Sophie Kinsella, which I absolutely loved, so when I first heard about her very first YA novel I had to read it!

The book for me was quite short but witty  yet adorable at the same time. Basically, Finding Audrey is about a girl suffering from social anxiety and has an older brother who is obsessed with video games. When Audrey meets her brother’s friend, Linus, things start to change for her. The book focuses on Audrey’s life coping with psychological recovery and her relationship with her family.

The main theme of the book, from what I depicted, was not about teenage love or anything but the chemistry between Audrey and Linus made me swoon at various times. Kinsella's written work has always been incredible the way she makes her characters so relatable and her composition truly sweet and light. At the same time, the humour in her books is just about perfect. At so many moments in this book I could not contain my laugh and just burst out laughing.

For me, this book seemed a little similar to Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes, which I equally enjoyed, but if you’re looking for a more light-hearted, humorous, silly, read, this is definitely the book for you!

Saturday 18 June 2016

Girl Against The Universe by Paula Stokes (Review)

It is the best thing to read about when authors write about psychological issues what teenagers go through. And how it is so difficult for the people around you to depict what you're experiencing as an adolescent. This is what Girl against the Universe by Paula Stokes is all about. It's about a girl Maguire who is suffering from PTSD due to some tragedies she had confronted as a kid. Now as she has grown older, her mom made her go to a therapist as she thinks Maguire spends too much time in her room. There she meets a boy, Jordy, who helps her traverse it all.

This book was not just cheesy or chick-lit book;  it truly places one into marvel how a person endures or fights with themselves everyday. It was a beautiful book in my opinion and somewhat sad as well, but the cute teenage romance made it just as sweet. Com one who doesn't love a light, sweet, teenage love? The chemistry between the two main characters was impeccable and just right. I really enjoyed this book and it should significantly get more attention.This was the first book I read by Paula Stokes and will be definitely reading more from her in the future!

Wednesday 15 June 2016

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern

My, my, my! What an extraordinary book. It had me completely engrossed into it from the very first page. The Night Circus is basically a fantasy novel about two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been tested to win on the premise of their skills and aptitudes. They both join a circus where they are intended to flaunt their abilities. It's a story of how along the way they find love, friendship and responsibilities.

Now, I must say that the plot line was fairly frail but the whole point of the story was delivered amazingly. Morgenstern's composition style was not at all like I had ever perused before and this book was incredibly interesting as well as unique. She sucks you into a universe of enchantment and miracle with her words and that was precisely how I felt while reading it. The protagonist, Celia, was my favourite characters throughout the book. The way Morgenstern kept in touch with her to be an image of quality, strength, love and friendship.

The main downside was the back and forth between timelines. The future, past and then the present time sections were slightly frustrating. That was the only reason The Night Circus lost a 0.5 star from me, and I gave it a 4.5/5 stars.

Besides all of that, the cover was absolutely dazzling as well. It is a mix of adventure, fantasy, dreams, magic, suspense, love, romance, anticipation, friendship and all that great stuff. So hey, what more does one reader want from a book?

I would totally recommend everyone to read this book and if you're interested you could buy a copy from here:

Fire in The Woods - Jennifer M. Eaton

Title: Fire in the Woods
Author: Jennifer M. Eaton
Genre: Science-fiction, Romance, Dystopian


To be honest, I have never really read any science fiction books before. But this book by Jennifer M. Eaton, Fire in the Woods, is remarkable and the writing is just phenomenal.

Its basically about a girl, Jess, who lives in an army based compound because her dad's a major. She loves photography so one day chasing a deer, she wants to capture a picture of, she runs into a boy who is literally the guy of her dreams. He is precisely like the perfect guy she had made up in her mind. Jess finds out that his name is David and he is not even from planet Earth in the first place.
Who he really is? Where is he from? Why's he on Earth? These are the questions that may run in your mind.
Oh my God, this book just had me captivated since the first page!
Jennifer M Eaton's writing is beautiful and while i was reading, I could play a movie in my head. The chemistry between the main characters is incredible. Her writing is simple but captivating and makes your imagination run wild.
"His gaze seemed to search through me, and the foggy feeling deepened. I relaxed, taking in his strong round cheeks and delicate jawline. I must have won the lottery or something…stuck in the middle of the woods with a guy who—come to think of it—looked a lot like Jared Linden." So you can just get a hint on how good looking David is!

Besides all that, one of my favourite part in the book is where she writes:
 "Ugh, when did my life become fodder for a cheap science fiction novel? I could see the teenage girls flittering about it already: super-cute alien, stupider-than-thou heroine and a bigger than life story with no chance of a happy ending."
Ironic isn't it?

I am not going to mention anything else or I'll end up adding spoilers.
The whole book is from Jess's point of view and I gave it a 4.5/5 stars on goodreads, because it was just that amazing!
Jennifer M. Eaton's writing can really pull you into the book and make you feel like you're a part of her story. As crazy as it sounds, that's exactly how I felt while reading it.
If you're into science fiction, aliens, suspense, thrill, romance, this is definitely the book for you!

Eleanor & Park

Title: Eleanor & Park
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Genre: Young-adult fiction

For quite a while there was a gigantic buildup about Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. I, at last chose to give that a read after the greater part of my companions prescribed it to me. What's more, to be completely forthright, I was passed up by this book. From the first page, Rowell's composition had me dazzled and I couldn't put the put it down till I read it up to the last page.

 It's around a guy and girl, in their high school year with various identities and their pursuit to locate their internal identity or a quest for who they truly are.

This book made me wail toward the end and each word, each page made me feel a wide range of emotions.
This is an unquestionable requirement read for each young person. 

"She never looked nice. She looked like art, and art wasn't meant to look nice. It was supposed to make you feel something."
Isn't that line wonderful and doesnt that simply give you goosebumps?

 Rowell depicted the character of Eleanor and Park so perfectly that I truly have no words to portray it. 

I am not exactly beyond any doubt how most perusers would see her written work however to me it was certainly a flawless book.
What's more, I unquestionably yearn for a sequel of it now.